Saturday, September 13, 2008


Got the news that the reporter was released. Apa hal dengan kerajaan ni ar? Pundek betul lar... boleh suka-suka tangkap orang lepas tu kasi lepas suka-suka... lepaskan RPK dan Teresa Kok jugak la si baruah Belasan Natiunal!! (ditujukan khas kepada si Bodowi, Stumid dan kroni-kroninya!). Wow... what a nice feeling after saying these in bahasa... what damaging can it be to you when someone of different race or culture mock or scold you in your own native tongue? Hurtful? That's exactly my point.

But there's one moral story behind the expedite release of the reporter: Makkal Sakti!!

You see people, the government is nothing, I repeat, NOTHING without its people. Any more unwarranted arrest would undermined the governments' credibility even further down the hole/point of no return. Bloody fools!!! Don't get the fear into you... that's what the natiunal's policies are doing to 'silent' the majority i.e. the level and clear headed ppl which can distinguish what is right and what is not. So let's stand together now as citizens of bolehland, speak up and be counted!! (of course do it discretionally la... pakai otak sikit la brader!).

Let's stop talking about our indulgence for food and hobbies etc. (nothing that really matters as compared to the direction or where the country is heading right now, thanks to the apartheid-based policies laid down by Mahatiao and his disciples in this country). Let's start barking on REAL issues at this point of time and capitalize on momentum of 'wave of change' started by the opposition in this country. I hope too see a bigger political tsunami in the country and wash out the shallow-minded, racist and not-so-smart politicians (believe me, these group of ppl are small, i.e. minnows) and reduce the racists' down to their knees.... for the country's sake!! Like a saying I once read, this is my country, I'm born here. But do I want to be marginalised or die because of political hegemony and obscurantist doctrine - NO WAY man!!!

p/s: thanks to the national education system, i can maki hamun in so-called native language of bolehland and mother-tongue of some... go figure.

Here's my spectacular signal for 'dissent': - news and views that matters

p/p/s: 916 or 920 may not happen after all, but who cares? What really matter is the cause and effect of the promise... will eventually prevail in the next GE (13, auspicious number for some?), I hope. If I'm still around that is.

Disclaimer: The views expressed here in ahchongs' blog are entirely his and do not represent his normal or rightful views as the author's postings may be influenced and swayed from time to time by his emotions & thoughts that are greatly disturbed by the political circus caused by a bunch of colour-sensitive beruk in the country, cimpanzee-gorilla public shows and not forgetting the sentiments of the rightful citizens in this blessed bolehland (as enshrined in the Federal Constitution). With the use of this blog you have agreed to indemnify the author from any ridiculous legal actions like the one directed at RPK, the freedom blogger of bolehland.

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