Monday, July 28, 2008

Disclaimer for scientific reports


The conclusions presented in this report are professional opinions based solely upon visual observations of the subject property and vicinity, on our interpretation of the available historical information and other data provided by (your source), and on our evaluation of the sampling and analytical results described in this report. They are intended exclusively for the purpose outlined herein and at the site location indicated. This report is intended for the sole use by (your client). The scope of services performed in execution of this investigation may not be appropriate to satisfy the needs of other users, and any use or re-use of this document or the findings, conclusions, or recommendations presented herein is at sole risk of said user.

Opinions and recommendations presented herein apply to site conditions existing at the time of our investigation and those reasonably foreseeable. They cannot necessarily apply to site changes of which (your company) is not aware and has not had the opportunity to evaluate. Subsurface conditions, including groundwater level and contaminant concentration may change with time.

There is no investigation that is thorough enough to preclude the presence of materials on the site, which presently, or in the future, may be considered hazardous. Some variations in subsurface conditions across a site cannot be fully defined by investigation. Hence, although the sampling targeted suspected sources of contaminants, it is possible that the measurements and values obtained from sampling and testing during the investigation may not represent the extreme conditions that exist within the subject property.

The scope of services performed is that which (your client) agreed to in light of its needs and considerations.


TriStupe said...

dude...ini disclaimer macam pernah tengok la...

ahchong said...

perhaps you've read one of my reports? i usually put this section in them la...