Saturday, August 29, 2015

Yellow POWER!!

Be clean!! #Bersih4.0

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Uploading *.shp or *.dxf files unto the GPS handheld??

Note that Garmin(TM) generally does not allow end-users to upload customised maps, but there is a workaround (some tweaking required) to upload polygons (from *.shp or *.dxf file). If you're looking for a quick fix, just ignore the following contents of this posting.

You would probably better off pre-saving in-line WAYPOINTS (crudely representing the boundary or lines) or ROUTES in gpx/gdb formats and upload to the GPS handheld using direct transfer viz USB (gpx only), or you could use MapSource to upload the gdb and gpx files into the handheld GPS (e.g. Garmin 78). There are other GPS utilities that can also do the upload or file conversions into GPS-friendly formats, just google them.

Proof that the above workaround can be done:

For Garmin navigator (e.g. Nuvi series), you'll have to save geo-referenced raster maps, mount it as *.img format and save it on the SD card instead of the device's internal memory to save space, as the img formats are typically large sized. Alternatively, you can pre-save in-line WAYPOINTS (to represent boundary or lines) as POI (point of interest) and upload to the Garmin navigator.

Do note that GPS handheld (with short or built-in antenna) accuracy isn't that good, typically 3 to 10m on a good day with no cloud cover, no adjacent tall building or trees. Good point accuracy can be achieved when most of the GPS satellites are locked-on within the inner circle display within the 'satellite acquiring page' on the handheld. If you do not understand this, just read the GPS manual that comes with the purchase of the handheld GPS.

p/s: Didn't realised that it has been two years since I wrote something on my blog, how time flies!!